Automated legal reasoning could shape future of digital services

Paralegal Michael Saunders
6 min readMar 31, 2021


Paralegal Michael Saunders

In the next 20 years, digital technology that automates legal reasoning will change how laws are written and could help widen access to justice, an expert predicted Thursday at ABA Techshow.

Jason Morris of the Singapore Management University Centre for Computational Law delved into the complex topic of coding legal rules and regulations for his panel: “Rules as Code: How Technology May Change the Language in which Legislation is Written, and What it Might Mean for Lawyers of Tomorrow.”

Morris defined “rules as code” as an “interdisciplinary legal drafting methodology” that involves co-drafting of written and computer languages and “automated testing that improves rules and simplifies automation.”

Before an app is coded, a client and drafter will typically draft written rules and hand them off to a programmer, Morris said. During coding, multiple programmers are involved in the creation of an app. That can lead to errors in the interpretation of the written rules, Morris explained.

Using the rules as code technique, a programmer could be added to the drafting of rules at the beginning of the process, with the client and drafter to ensure that the written rules and the encoded version match.

He said that France is a leader in using rules as code. The country has used the tools OpenFisca and LexImpact to test the impact of amendments to French tax law, Morris wrote in a paper posted before the panel.

Follow along with the ABA Journal’s coverage of the ABA Techshow 2021 here.

Applied generally, Morris posited in his paper that encoded rules could test whether a proposed tax law really had the effect of making sure people’s taxes didn’t go up by running large numbers of fact patterns and test scenarios, for instance.

“This task of coming up with situations in which the rule does not behave as expected is a major part of the expertise of legal drafting,” he wrote. “Legal professionals use their imagination and their experience to think of scenarios, and then mentally check whether those scenarios will behave as expected. Rules as code gives us the ability to get the help of computers with that process, supercharging that human ability.”

Morris also demonstrated rules as code with an open-source legal reasoning tool he has developed called Blawx. The digital tool allows lawyers to test laws, rules and contracts. He automated and tested the rules of the game rock-paper-scissors in Blawx to reveal who won a hypothetical matchup.

Morris said that rules as code have implications for the legal industry and that automated legal reasoning will “increase speed, quality and demand for legal services.”

“In the next 20 years, automated legal reasoning tools are going to become a basic competence of the legal profession, and the modeling language that they use is going to be a language, and eventually the language in which laws are written,” Morris predicted.

He said that automated services are important for providing services to increase access to justice “because we need a computer’s help.”

“When we’re regulating and thinking about how to treat these kinds of technologies, we need to take into consideration the fact that we don’t just have an ethical duty to protect confidentiality or an ethical duty to provide services competently. We also have an ethical duty to ensure that legal services are provided in an efficient and affordable way,” Morris said.


Mr. Michael Saunders, C.P.
Office Phone No.: (800) 820–1226
Cell Phone No.: (213) 257–1564

Hi. My name is Michael Saunders, and I am a Certified Paralegal, offering Affordable Clerical Paralegal Services to Attorneys and Citizens. I offer Research, Document-Formatting, Transcription, Proof-Reading, Printing, along with Document Retrieval and Filing Services.

My services include, but are not limited to the following:

• Transcribing & Formatting Pleadings to be Filed with Courts
• Depositions Summarized & Analyzed
• Preparing & Responding to Correspondence
• Drafting Demand Letters
• Legal Research & Preparing Legal Memoranda
• Billing and Bookkeeping
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• File Pick-up & Drop-Off
• Court Runners
• Process Service
• Investigative Services

Between 2012 and 2015, I worked under the supervision of Lawyer David Morgan, Esq. Mr. Morgan and I did our fair share of civil rights litigation, suing agents of the Government in their official and individual capacities, for injunctions and money damages. I would conduct investigations for Mr. Morgan, secure Affidavits, draft pleadings (Complaints, Answers and Affirmative Defenses, Counterclaims and Replies, Motions for Summary Judgment and Responses Thereto, Motions to Dismiss and Responses Thereto, Motions to Quash Service, Motions to Strike, Motions to Compel, Motions for Attorney’s Fees, Motions in Limine, Notice of Removal and Motions to Remand), conduct discovery (Interrogatories, Requests for Production, Requests for Admissions, Deposition Summaries, Preparation for Depositions, and Motions to Compel Discovery) and prepare responses and objections to motions filed by the other-side, until the final settlement agreement, or pursue the matter via direct appeal.

I learned and worked hands on in criminal defense, from assisting in representing clients from their Arraignment and initial Bond-Hearing, preparing motions and responses to them, and drafting Appellate Court documents, such as the Opening Brief, Brief in Opposition, as well as the Reply Brief. I have obtained extensive experience with the Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus, pursuant to both 28 U.S.C. 2254 and 2255, along with Civil Rights Litigation pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1983.

In 2016, I worked exclusively for The Lex Group where I learned Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat formatting techniques for Courts all around the Country, in addition to learning how to assure that all documents formatted in those Local, State, and Federal Courts conformed with those Court’s Local and Supreme Court Rules. I am thoroughly trained and highly skilled in Westlaw®, Lexis® and other cutting-edge research tools to provide our attorney-clients with the most comprehensive and efficient legal research on any issue.

I have successfully assisted many attorneys enforce Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which bans employers from discriminating against employees or job applicants on the basis race, color, or national origin, before the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and in the Federal Courts. I have also assisted customers who have been presented with a foreclosure action, and clients who have needed a Motion for Relief of Stay or an Adversarial Complaint regarding a bankruptcy case.

Since then, I have been working as an independent Certified Paralegal enabling attorneys’ access to quality paralegal services with affordable hourly rates so they too can enjoy the benefits of having a skilled, professional, and timely Paralegal to take the minutia of the law out the picture so they can spend time focusing on the issues so that justice can prevail on the merits!

Beginning in 2018 I have become an Associate Member of the American Bar Association; proudly “Defending Liberty and Pursuing Justice.”

I hope I can use these same skills to help you. If you feel that you could use someone with my experience, I would love to hear from you. I am a Non-Lawyer not authorized to practice law, and we cannot create a client-attorney-relationship. I have credentials, proof of identity, and writing samples available upon request. Do not hesitate to text or call my cell phone at (213) 257–1564, but for the promptest response, an email to my personal email of will guarantee my fastest reply.

Any publication I produce is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information regarding the subject matter covered. It is based upon sources believed to be accurate and reliable and is intended to be current as of the time it was written. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person must be sought. Also, to confirm that the information has not been affected or changed by recent developments, traditional legal research techniques should be used, including checking primary sources where appropriate. Terms and Conditions apply. Thank you in advance for your consideration. No paying of a retainer then getting a bill when your case is over with.

Mr. Michael Saunders, C.P.
Office Phone No.: (800) 820–1226
Cell Phone No.: (213) 257–1564

Feel free to email or call at your convenience. I hope that I can be of service.

OCPA No.: 54334325



Paralegal Michael Saunders

Chief Paralegal at Affordable Paralegal Services (800) 820–1226